Amazing Middle-earth: New Zealand in the footsteps of the Lord of the Rings
New Zealand is one of the farthest corners of the planet, which many travelers want to visit. In addition to the world famous hot springs, geysers and acid lakes, as…

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Buy a tour to the Maldives with a discount
To be honest, the pandemic announced in the spring broke vacation plans for thousands of people. And it hit hard on the economy of tourist countries. By the end of…

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Where to go
A "long weekend" in summer is a real find for those who like an interesting vacation. You can do much more in three days than in a regular weekend. And…


Turkey 2021: Features of Early Booking Tours
Many people love last-minute tours: to book tickets for cheap, a hotel and almost immediately fly to warm regions to bask in the southern sun. But in practice, in order…

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everyday life

Odessa, as you have not seen it yet

We will not tell you anything new if we say that Odessa is a unique city that has no equal. You already know that! Odessa language, Odessa humor, Odessa folklore, the very atmosphere of a beautiful, noisy, cheerful seaside city – all this is so “tasty” that everyone wants to personally touch such a miracle, at least for a few days to feel like a part of it.

But do not forget that the impressions of the trip will primarily depend on how to spend time in Odessa! An independent study of the city is a good thing, of course, but it requires at least a whole vacation. Jogging through the sights accompanied by a boring guide mumbling a memorized text will do little. Continue reading

Holidays on the island of Zanzibar
Getting to know Africa should start with buying a tour to Zanzibar. Firstly, Spice Island, as it is otherwise called, is rich in cultural heritage and history, which contradicts its…


Toll Roads in Europe: Everything You Wanted to Know
It is a great idea to drive a car in Europe, but apart from the peculiarities of traffic rules in the country where you plan to travel, you should know…
