Best Family Resorts in Turkey
Turkey is one of the few countries where you can get the most from a comfortable stay for little money. Here you will find comfortable resorts, excellent all-inclusive service, delightful…

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Holidays in Zanzibar
Holidays on the island of Zanzibar, located off the coast of Tanzania, and known as the Spice Island, due to the production of cloves, nutmeg, cinnamon and black pepper, attracts…

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The rich world of Costa Rica
The name of this country is translated from Spanish as "rich world". And this is very true of Costa Rica, because its territory is a continuous reserve with amazingly beautiful…


New Year in the USA - excursions, parties, entertainment
America is incredibly diverse, and just like any of your travels to this country, celebrating the New Year here will always be special. Lavishly decorated shop windows on Fifth Avenue,…

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What is team building?

You can extol the power of money and material values ​​as much as you like, but any reasonable leader understands that the main resource of a business is people, cadres, and employees.

In the absence of a well-coordinated work team capable of jointly solving problems, all hopes for prosperity turn into collapse. A well-coordinated team “does not grow on a tree” and even “cannot be inherited” when the owner or head of the enterprise changes. It takes constant effort to grow or maintain it. Continue reading

Hotel with giraffes Giraffe Manor

Even if you have never heard the term “boutique hotel”, the phenomenon itself is no doubt familiar to you! Provided, of course, that your travel experience goes beyond group bus tours or a weeklong beach getaway. There are many hotels in Ukraine built within the framework of this concept.

The essence of the concept is to turn the hotel into an independent tourist location. That is, to make an overnight stay / stay in them an adventure worthy of an unforgettable experience. Continue reading

Seasonality of safari tours: when to travel?

The most favorable countries for European tourists in Africa are located in the southern part of the continent. This is a different hemisphere, so we always have to remind ourselves: when we have summer, they have winter. Sometimes it even snows in July in South Africa.

But in general, the characteristics of summer and winter are different for Europe and Africa. The European antithesis is “cold-warm”, African “dry-wet”. It is this moment that must be taken into account when deciding when to go on a safari to Africa. Continue reading

New Year is coming - where can you go?
As the saying goes, get the sleigh ready in the summer. It seems that autumn is just coming into its own, and we at Aves Travel are already preparing interesting…


Country complexes near Kiev
"What is the difference between an ordinary vacation and a luxurious one?" - you ask. "The level of comfort!" - we will answer you. Agree, it is undoubtedly pleasant to…
