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The modern pace of life and scientific and technological progress have become the cause of many irreversible processes in nature. Therefore, environmental issues are of great importance today. Many people…

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Top 7 most environmentally friendly countries in the world worth visiting
The modern pace of life and scientific and technological progress have become the cause of many irreversible processes in nature. Therefore, environmental issues are of great importance today. Many people…


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How interesting and useful to spend the weekend

A weekend spent “on the couch” is not a break. Anyway, not when they become the norm. Sleep, blissfully lounging, shopping – it’s, of course, great. But if you do this every Saturday-Sunday, the weekend will fly by. And it will leave behind only regrets – the weekend has passed and again did not live up to expectations.

Therefore, people who know how to live fully and happily, work and rest with maximum efficiency, come up with ideas for the weekend, making each of them different from the other. Fortunately, a big city offers many different opportunities: cinema, theaters, exhibitions / festivals, amusement parks, leisure facilities, and more.

The day, filled with various events and impressions, becomes longer. On Monday you can come to work not only rested, but also armed with new topics for conversations with colleagues, new photos to share.

Aves Travel invites you to add another one to your collection of ideas – weekend tours from Kiev. This is not even one idea, but a whole complex.

Ukraine is a huge, beautiful, diverse country with a developed transport infrastructure. You can make a short exciting trip to any point in one weekend.

There are countless options: excursions to caves, quests on the streets of new cities, gastronomic tours, extreme or, conversely, romance. Aves Travel, a tour operator, knows better than anyone else where to go for the weekend at the lowest cost and / or most benefit.

Where to go on a weekend tour of Ukraine?

In fact, “where” is a secondary issue. Even in the Kiev region there are quite interesting and unique locations. More important is the “why” you want to go to this or that place. Aves Travel specializes in the development of custom tours focused on one aspect or another of each location. Here is our TOP-5.

Weekend bike tours

Cycling provides an opportunity to combine active recreation with new information and impressions. There are routes that can be traveled with children: in a child seat or on separate bicycles. Even around Kiev you can ride endlessly – there are so many interesting and “photogenic” locations.

For experienced cyclists, longer and more relief crossings have been developed. The possibilities for creating individual tours are endless!

Weekend bike tours

Jeep tours

Basically, they are held in the Carpathians and the Carpathian Mountains. SUVs allow you to “cut” distances and visit many interesting places in one day.

This is a drive, and a visit to remote natural / cultural monuments, and picnics in protected areas, and the opportunity to take unique photos.

Jeep tours

Hiking in comfort

To be honest, most of the townspeople would like to feel like “cool pioneers”, but they really do not want to sleep on stones, with mosquitoes, and “take a shower” in an icy mountain stream.

Aves Travel understands this complexity. Therefore, we offer tours in which the day is devoted to real hikes in the forests and mountains, and by nightfall you can return to a comfortable hotel, and the next day make another hike.

Hiking in comfort

Gastro tours

Borsch and dumplings in Poltava region, fried red mullet in Odessa, Carpathian wines, Transcarpathian cheeses / sausages, coffee / Lviv sweets. The listing is endless.

Since ancient times, people in Ukraine love to eat and drink deliciously. A weekend trip can consist of several tasting events or a tour of the best café-restaurants in a particular city / region. New impressions, new tastes, pictures of mouth-watering dishes to the envy of friends on social networks – the weekend was clearly a success!

Gastro tours

Hike to the caves

Speleological tours are a real hit of the season. There are caves in Ukraine, and always have been. But in recent years, they have become more accessible to visitors. For example, the Optimistic Cave, excursions to which can be of several types – from almost museum to truly extreme. And then there are Mlynki, Khrustalnaya, Verteba, Atlantis, Milky Stone, you can’t list them all.

A hike to the caves of the Carpathians or Podillya can be made from Kiev even in one day (however, without taking into account the road). A two-day tour is already a full-fledged journey into the unknown!

Hike to the caves

And this is by no means all the possible options it is interesting to spend a weekend, especially in summer!

Leave your requests on the Aves Travel website, and we promise that we will find for you the best weekend tour that will give you an unforgettable experience, leaving behind the most wonderful memories and unique photos.

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