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Is it dangerous to go on a safari to Tanzania

Safari in Africa is an amazing opportunity to see thousands of wild animals in their natural habitat, meet the “Big Five” (lion, elephant, leopard, rhinoceros, buffalo) and visit the village of a real Maasai tribe. All this exotic and rich fauna make Tanzania a great destination for a vibrant holiday.

In addition, this country is not as spoiled by tourists as, for example, Kenya, so the price of safari in Tanzania will be lower. Leave your safety concerns a thing of the past – today, sticking to the simplest rules is enough to avoid trouble. How to prepare for a safari in Tanzania and make your trip comfortable and safe, we tell you in the blog of the tour operator “Aves Travel”.

Safari to Tanzania – safety measures
Tanzania has one of the highest healthcare levels in the entire African continent. And there are not so many strict rules: the main thing is not to get out of the car towards the rhino and listen to the guide’s advice during the safari.

Preventive vaccinations
The risk of contracting malaria on a safari tour in Tanzania is low, so vaccination is not required. You can limit yourself to prophylactic pills (always after consulting a doctor, since there are contraindications and side reactions) and repellents.

For the same reason, yellow fever vaccination is not officially required in Tanzania. But still, for your own peace of mind, it is better to do it – at least 10 days before the tour to Tanzania on a safari. The vaccine gives immunity for 10 years, so after a trip you can safely continue to explore exotic corners of the planet.

Can i take kids on safari in Tanzania
Of course you can. In addition, it is highly recommended to take children with you, because they receive here no less emotions than adults, and feel like real discoverers and researchers. The only thing that can be tiresome for kids is to be in a safari jeep for a long time, therefore it is better to take children from 4 years old. But here, of course, it all depends on the nature of your child.

How you can complement your vacation in Tanzania
Safari in Tanzania is a lot of fun in and of itself. But if you want to get even more from the trip, then you can combine a safari, for example, with a beach vacation in Zanzibar, mountain trekking on Kilimanjaro or a trip to neighboring African countries. Or, on the contrary, you can go on a safari to Tanzania from Zanzibar, the price in this case will be lower than planning a separate beach and safari tour.

In any case, the main thing is to plan everything correctly and allocate time. Leave this job to the professional travelers at AvesTravel – we know all about safaris in Tanzania and beyond, and we can help you organize the perfect vacation that suits your needs.

What things to take with you on safari to Tanzania
No special equipment is required, and to make your safari tour in Tanzania as comfortable as possible, heed these tips.

Take several sets of clothing: warm and light. Early in the morning and at night in some regions of Tanzania the temperature can drop to 0 ° С, during the day it can stay within the range of 23-30 ° С. It is better that things are soft and comfortable, without tight belts and plaques, since most of the time on the safari you will sit in the jeep.

An approximate list of things:

Warm jacket with long sleeves or light jacket.

Pants, socks.

Lightweight hat.


Shorts or pants made from natural materials.


Waterproof jacket.


Lightweight sneakers or comfortable sandals.

Headdress from the sun.


Dust bandage.

It is better to put all this in an ordinary soft bag, it will be more convenient with it on safari than with a suitcase. Plus, bring a comfortable backpack to travel with during the day.

Advice. Do not take too light or white clothes on safari, as they will instantly turn gray from the dust that gets into an open jeep in large quantities. The colors black and khaki are also not suitable: the first attracts tsetse flies, the second in Tanzania is worn exclusively by the military.

If you will spend the night in a lodge (detached bungalows) with a swimming pool, then take with you more swimming trunks or a swimsuit, flip flops.

First aid kit
A first aid kit is included in the price of a safari in Tanzania, but it is still recommended to have a basic travel kit with you:

Antipyretic and pain reliever.

From allergies.

Against diarrhea.

From nausea and motion sickness.

Hand antiseptic, wet wipes.

Bactericidal plaster.


Lip balm (on safari the lips are very chapped).

Sunscreen with SPF from 40 (the sun is very active in Tanzania).

Mosquito repellent.

Some more tips
On a safari in Tanzania, the price includes 3 meals a day, but after all the emotions you will certainly want to have a snack, and there will be nowhere to buy a chocolate bar or nuts in the middle of the savannah. So bring some snacks with you.

Safari jeep usually has one pair of binoculars, but if you have your own, bring that too.

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