Balkans that will surprise you
The Balkans is a geographic region in southeastern Europe, which includes many historically significant countries that are not as famous among tourists as European locations. But in vain. Although the…

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Which camp to choose for a child?
Summer holidays are in full swing, the children managed to relax after a difficult school year, which means that it is time to take care of their useful leisure. If…

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Where to go
A "long weekend" in summer is a real find for those who like an interesting vacation. You can do much more in three days than in a regular weekend. And…


Best Family Resorts in Turkey
Turkey is one of the few countries where you can get the most from a comfortable stay for little money. Here you will find comfortable resorts, excellent all-inclusive service, delightful…

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most charming

Yacht tours that will surprise you

Renting a yacht or boating is a new way of travel, which offers unprecedented advantages for the tourist.

For example, this is a very aristocratic, non-standard form of recreation, and the best way to explore secluded places that can only be reached by boat.

Today, this type of tourism is especially relevant, because during a global pandemic, it is safer and more relaxed to travel on a private boat with minimal contact with strangers. Continue reading

Holidays in Zanzibar
Holidays on the island of Zanzibar, located off the coast of Tanzania, and known as the Spice Island, due to the production of cloves, nutmeg, cinnamon and black pepper, attracts…


Stunning America: ski holidays in the USA
The country, discovered many centuries ago by Columbus, never ceases to inspire and amaze. Brand new experiences - steep ski resorts with stunning views, great weather, luxury hotels, high-speed lifts,…
